This is a crash course intensive with Earth Arts founder Cloud, an herbalist at Flower Power since 2013. Her work is a synergy of wise woman traditions and traditional chinese approaches to plant-human allyship. Leave knowing the basics of herbalism and how to make your own flower essence, tea, tincture, infused oil, and salve blend!
The history of plant-human relationships vary across the world, yet all cultures have cultivated deep relationships with plant species, magically and medicinally. In this workshop, we will introduce practical herbalism for wellness and healing, including methods of harvesting, processing and consuming a variety of herbs, roots, and mushrooms and their medicinal benefits. We will also cover their various uses of these herbs, as well as methods for integrating them into our lives according to the seasons. The second portion of this course will cover the creation of a flower essence, tea, infusion, tincture, vinegar, infused oil, and salve. All participants will go home with medicines made in class.
Cloud is an herbalist and avid environmental advocate, artist, and educator. She graduated from Barnard College and Columbia University with a Bachelor’s and Masters of Administration in Environmental Policy and Science. In addition to her formal environmental education, Cloud has been a working herbalist at Flower Power Herbs & Roots since 2013, offering plant identification courses and other ethnobotanical experience and programs. She now is an environmental justice educator for after school programs & summer camps across New York, teaching Nature Skills & Gardening. She is also an apprentice beekeeper, and has worked on several organic farms practicing regenerative agriculture since 2011. She founded The Earth Arts Center for Environmental Wellness, and co-founded HEAL wellness, both based in Brooklyn.
$100-120 sliding scale